Hello, everyone! I’m Gretchen, the Client Care Representative here at St. Francis Veterinary Care. I have been fascinated with veterinary medicine for as long as I can remember. Many years ago, I read all the books written by James Herriot. Dr. Allison has read them too. He was a veterinarian in England, beginning in the 1930’s, and he wrote a series of books about his adventures. His career spanned nearly 50 years. His characters were charming and his story lines were always intriguing. One of his most well known books was “All Creatures Great and Small”, and it has been made into a movie, a television series in the 1970’s, and is now a current television series on PBS. All of us at the clinic are watching this show.
It’s compelling to see how veterinary medicine used to be, before the advances in science and technology, but the fundamentals are the same. We all got into the veterinary field because we love animals and want to help them live their best, healthy lives.
Some of the treatments used back in the “old days” seem archaic to us now, but sometimes they actually worked! Many patients were treated successfully with the limited resources that veterinarians had at that time.
Without giving too much of the storyline away, James finds himself in many different predicaments, but he has a huge heart, and no matter what happens, his first priority is helping the animals.
Veterinarians have always been heroes in my eyes. All Creatures Great and Small is a wonderful show that celebrates one amazing man, paving his way in veterinary medicine. It’s very family friendly too, so if your child is interested in animals, this would be a fantastic show to watch together! Next time you’re in the clinic, let us know if you’re watching, and if you love this show as much as we do. We would love to hear your thoughts!